Welcome 7th and 8th Grade Parents!

If you've made it to this site, you are off to a good start.  I look forward to meeting you at the upcoming open house. In the meantime, you have already accessed one of the best ways to keep up with your child's daily work and progress in my class.  

If you have not already done so, I would encourage you to bookmark my Homepage.  This will be a useful site for both you and your child.  It is updated weekly and gives you direct access not only to your child's daily work and homework assignments, but to a wealth of other class related information. 

Anytime that you are interested in what we did in class on any particular day, you will find it here.  Anytime you are interested in what your child should be working on for homework on any given night, you will find it here.  If you want to see how your child is evaluated on projects, essays, and daily assignments, you will find it here.  If you are wondering if your child has a long term project approaching, you will find it here, posted at least 6 weeks in advance of the presentation date.  If nothing else, this site will give you specific information you can use to ask your child about their daily involvement in this class.

Your child should also find this site useful.  The entire week's planned activities and homework assignments will usually be posted by Sunday evening.  This will give your child an opportunity to plan his/her week in advance.

I use email as my preferred way to keep in direct contact with you.  You will find this to be the fastest way to communicate your concerns to me.   If you email me, I will usually be able to respond to you within the day, or by the next day at the latest.  To expedite my ability to communicate with you, I'd appreciate it if you would take a minute to email me at this time so I can easily and accurately enter your current and correct email address into my electronic address book. Use the link at the bottom of this page to access me.  Please include both your name and your child's name as well, so I can accurately build my records.  Thank you for both your interest and support.  I look forward to productively working with your family this year.

Greg Ott -     greott@myfitz.net   If the link does not work for you, copy the address into your email application.

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