March 3-7

Assignments listed here represent the "Plan" for the week.  Plans of course are subject to change as needed, so this should not be considered the last word on what will take place in class or will be assigned for homework.  When plans do change however, the changes will be reflected here (hopefully by the evening of the day in which they are known to exist).

Week 25 - Book Project
Presentations are Next Week.

Ott Class Help Pass
clip and use for the week of 3/03

Students who need extra help or assistance may see me Monday - Friday after school.

Extra Help is available this week.

Students may use this pass to get help with assigned work .

Students without passes may not be permitted
to enter the
building before school.

All 8th Grade ELA Classes  (7th Grade - scroll down)


  • Students will  begin the class with 10 minutes of independent reading (Students may use this time to work on their Book Projects.)

  • Students will complete the Frankenstein Lessons 1-5 assessment in Performance Matters.

  • Students will be given any remaining time to conitnue their work on their book projects or their work on their Devil's Arithmetic WebQuest.

Homework: Students should be finishing up their book projects as they are due on Monday of next week.  There are no reading logs or Word Work due this week.


  • Students will  begin the class with 10 minutes of independent reading.

  • Students will then take the quiz testing their ability to properly use Two, Too, and To.

  • Students will be given any remaining time to conitnue their work on their book projects or their work on their Devil's Arithmetic WebQuest.

Homework: Students should be finishing up their book projects as they are due on Monday of next week.  There are no reading logs or Word Work due this week.

Wednesday - PLC schedule

  • Students will  begin complete Round one the Poetry March Madness.  Students will read 8 sets of poems and vote for a winner of each set.

  • If time permits, Students may continue their work on their book project or the Devil's Arithmetic Webquest.

Homework: Students should be finishing up their book projects as they are due on Monday of next week.  There are no reading logs or Word Work due this week.


  • Students will begin class with 10 minutes of independent reading.

  • Students will begin the prereading activity for The Devil's Arithmetic before reading and responding to Chapter 1.  Results of both the prereading activity and Chapter 1 will be discussed.

Homework: Students should be finishing up their book projects as they are due on Monday of next week.  There are no reading logs or Word Work due this week.


  • Students will begin class with 10 minutes of independent reading.

  • Students will read and respond to Chapters 2 and 3 of The Devil's Arithmetic.

  • Class will conclude with final considerations for turning in book projects which are due on Monday.

Homework: Students should be finishing up their book projects as they are due on Monday of next week.

All 7th Grade ELA Classes


  • Students will  begin the class with 10 minutes of independent reading.

  • Students will then take the Quiz testing their ability to differentiate the difference between the use of Affect and Effect.

  • Students will have remaining time to work on their book projects.

Homework: Students should be finishing up their book projects as they are due on Monday of next week.  There are no reading logs or Word Work due this week.


  • Students will  begin the class with 10 minutes of independent reading.

  • Students will  begin complete Round one the Poetry March Madness.  Students will read 8 sets of poems and vote for a winner of each set.

  • Students will be given any remaining time to conitnue their work on their book project.

Homework: Students should complete their 1/2 hour of independent reading tonight.  Four reading logs and two word work words are due by the end of the week. 

Wednesday - PLC schedule

  • Students will  begin the class with 10 minutes of independent reading.

  • Students will then begin  7C Brain Science, SU 1 L9 "The The Way We Act Human," where students will read and construct arguments defending the claim that Phineas is or is not the same person after his recovery from his accident.  Students will complete activities 1-3.

Homework: Students should complete their 1/2 hour of independent reading tonight.  Four reading logs and two word work words are due by the end of the week. 


  • Students will  begin the class with 15 minutes of independent reading.

  • Students will then continue  7C Brain Science, SU 1 L9 "The The Way We Act Human." Students will participate in a debate defending the claim that Phineas is or is not the same person after his recovery from his accident.  Students will complete activities 4-6.

Homework: Students should complete their 1/2 hour of independent reading tonight.  Four reading logs and two word work words are due by the end of the week. 


  • Students will begin class with 10 minutes of independent reading.

  • Students will then complete  7C Brain Science, SU 1 L9 "The The Way We Act Human." Students will independently complete the activity 7 Solo.

  • Students will use any remaining time to finalize details on their book projects or presentations.

Homework: Students should complete their 1/2 hour of independent reading tonight.  Four reading logs and two word work words are due by today.