February 24 - 28 Assignments listed here represent the "Plan" for the week. Plans of course are subject to change as needed, so this should not be considered the last word on what will take place in class or will be assigned for homework. When plans do change however, the changes will be reflected here (hopefully by the evening of the day in which they are known to exist).
Week 24 - Book Project
Presentations are 2 Weeks
Ott Class Help Pass clip and use for the week of
2/24 Students who need extra help or
assistance may see me
Monday - Friday after school.
Extra Help is available this week. Students may use this pass to get help with assigned work
. Students without passes may not be permitted to enter the building before school. |
8th Grade ELA Classes (7th Grade -
scroll down) |
- the schedule will vary this week depending on the hour 8th Graders
meet with me.
Students will begin the class
with 10 minutes of independent reading.
After we begin the class with
reading, students complete the Monday Grammar Lesson focusing on
the difference between Two, Too, and Too This week,
will focus on the use and proof of "To" Students will be
introduced to the proof and attempt to use and prove their use of
the word in a brief writing response.
Students will then share their
writing in their colaborative team where they will be challenged by
their teammates. One teammate is selected to share with the
Class will end with a look at the
rest of the week.
Homework: Students
complete their 1/2 hour of independent reading tonight. Although
Daily Reading Logs will be optional, students are encouraged to complete
them to take more control over their grades. Two Word Work words
are due by the end of the week.
Students will begin the class with 10 minutes
of independent
Students will
begin a two day introduction to the Holocaust that Mrs. Verhines
will lead them through.
If time permits,
additional book project examples will be discussed and related
questions answered.
Homework: Students
complete their 1/2 hour of independent reading tonight. Although
Daily Reading Logs will be optional, students are encouraged to complete
them to take more control over their grades. Two Word Work words
are due by the end of the week.
Students will begin the class with 10 minutes
of independent
Students will complete Mrs.
Verhines's introduction to the Holocaust.
If time permits,
additional book project examples will be discussed and related
questions answered.
Homework: Students
complete their 1/2 hour of independent reading tonight. Although
Daily Reading Logs will be optional, students are encouraged to complete
them to take more control over their grades. Two Word Work words
are due by the end of the week.
Students will
begin class with 10 minutes of independent reading.
Students will begin the first day of
"The Devil's Arithmetic" WebQuest. This is a web based
exploration into curated resources to help provide additional
historical and cultural context for our upcoming novel unit.
Students will share adn discuss some
of their discoveries from the WebQuest.
Homework: Students
complete their 1/2 hour of independent reading tonight. Although
Daily Reading Logs will be optional, students are encouraged to complete
them to take more control over their grades. Two Word Work words
are due by the end of the week.
Students will
begin class with 10 minutes of independent reading.
Students will
use the evaluation rubric to score a sample oral presentation and
project delivered by Mr. Ott. Both the presentation and
project will be collaboratively scored and discussed so kids can see
how the rubric will be applied to their own efforts.
If time permits,
additional book project examples will be discussed and related
questions answered.
Students should be pushing to finish up their book projects &
presentations if they haven't yet completed their work.
7th Grade ELA Classes |
Students will begin the class
with 10 minutes of independent reading.
After we begin the class with
reading, students complete the Monday Grammar Lesson focusing on
the difference between "Affect" and "Effect" This week, will
focus on the use and proof of "ffect" Students will be
introduced to the proof and attempt to use and prove their use of
the word in a brief writing response.
Students will share that response in
their collaborative team where they will be challenged by their
teammates as they defend their usage. One teammate will be
selected to share with the class.
Homework: Students
complete their 1/2 hour of independent reading tonight. Four
reading logs and two word work words are due by the end of the week.
Students will begin the class with 10 minutes
of independent
Students will then begin the 7C Brain
Science, SU 1 L8 "The Life and Death of Phineas Gage," where students
distinguish between reliable and less realiable information. We
will begin with the lesson vocabulary prior to continuing the
reading and student response to the reading. Students will
complete activities 1-4.
Homework: Students
complete their 1/2 hour of independent reading tonight. Four
reading logs and two word work words are due by the end of the week.
Students will begin the class with 10 minutes
of independent
Students will then complete the 7C Brain
Science, SU 1 L8 "The Life and Death of Phineas Gage," where
students will write and share narratives based on some of the
stories of Phineas Gage's life after leaving Boston. Students will
complete activities 5-9.
Homework: Students
complete their 1/2 hour of independent reading tonight. Four
reading logs and two word work words are due by the end of the week.
Students will begin the class with 15 minutes
of independent
Students will then be given the
remaining time to work on their upcoming book project and
presentation. Students should be finished reading their books
and working to finish their oral presentations and working on their
Homework: Students
complete their 1/2 hour of independent reading tonight. Four
reading logs and two word work words are due by the end of the week.
Homework: Students
complete their 1/2 hour of independent reading tonight. Four
reading logs and two word work words are due by