January 20 - 24

Assignments listed here represent the "Plan" for the week.  Plans of course are subject to change as needed, so this should not be considered the last word on what will take place in class or will be assigned for homework.  When plans do change however, the changes will be reflected here (hopefully by the evening of the day in which they are known to exist).

Week 20 - The First Day of Semester II

Ott Class Help Pass
clip and use for the week of 1/20

Students who need extra help or assistance may see me Monday - Friday after school.

Extra Help is available this week.

Students may use this pass to get help with assigned work .

Students without passes may not be permitted
to enter the
building before school.

All 8th Grade ELA Classes  (7th Grade - scroll down)

Monday - Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday




  • Inclimate Weather Day - No School



  • Inclimate Weather Day - No School


  • Students introduced to the new seating chart and experience the first day of Semester II.

  • Grammar Lesson There, Their, and They're - Students examine the proof for the use of "There" and practice applying that proof with sentences of their own.  Students then are challenged to write a paragraph using "There" five times, noting the proof and underlining the use of the word.  Students then defend their usage as Mr. Ott challenges the correctness of their usage.

Homework: Students should be reading their Book Project book nightly at home and bringing it to school to take advantage of time given to read during class.  There are no Reading Logs or Word Work assigned this week.


  • Students will begin class with an extended period of time to read their book project novel.
  • Students will then review the parts of the oral presentation for their upcoming book project and presentation.  We will examin the five parts that need to be planned into their content and view a students presentation and attempt to apply the rubric to it.

Homework:  Students should be reading their Book Project book nightly at home and bringing it to school to take advantage of time given to read during class. 

All 7th Grade ELA Classes

Monday - Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday




  • Inclimate Weather Day - No School



  • Inclimate Weather Day - No School


  • Students introduced to the new seating chart and experience the first day of Semester II.

  • Grammar Lesson Too, Two, and To - Students examine the proof for the use of "Too" and practice applying that proof with sentences of their own.  Students then are challenged to write a paragraph using "Too" five times, noting the proof and underlining the use of the word.  Students then defend their usage as Mr. Ott challenges the correctness of their usage.

Homework: Students should be reading their Book Project book nightly at home and bringing it to school to take advantage of time given to read during class.  There are no Reading Logs or Word Work assigned this week due to the abreviated week.


  • Students review the teambuilding process along with consensus decistion making.  They then begin using Uncommon Commonalities to find some things they have in common with their new teammates before attempting to define their team identity.

  • Results will be presented to the class.

 Homework: Students should complete their 1/2 hour of independent reading tonight.  Four reading logs are due by the end of the week.