October 9 - 13

Assignments listed here represent the "Plan" for the week.  Plans of course are subject to change as needed, so this should not be considered the last word on what will take place in class or will be assigned for homework.  When plans do change however, the changes will be reflected here (hopefully by the evening of the day in which they are known to exist).


Ott Class Help Pass
clip and use for the week of

Students who need extra assistance or need to discuss their projects may clip this pass and use it to see me Tuesday - Thursday in the morning before school.

Extra Help is available this week.

Students may use this pass to get help with assigned work
or to discuss Book Projects and Presentations.

Students without passes may not be permitted
to enter the
building before school.

All 7th Grade ELA Classes


Enjoy the Holiday!



  • Students will then begin a process to introduce the new seating chart and establish new cooperative learning teams.  Students will go through a teambuilding process in order to get more comfortable with their new teammates called "Uncommon Commonalities."  We will use this process to come up with a team identity, which they will share with the class at the end of the block.  We will likely go into tomorrow's class with this process as we will be working on skills related to the development of consensus decision making and sometimes that takes longer than planned.

  • Students will move into WIN time during the last 45 minutes of the block and will utilize the time to complete their i-Ready lessons for the week.

Homework: Students should read their independent reading novel for 30 minutes tonight and document their reading on their reading log. Two new Word Work words are also due by the end of the week.


  • Students will review the process we are using to establish team identities, review strategies for reaching consensus, and then be given time to complete their team identities.
  • Student teams will then present their new team identities to the class.
  • Students will move into WIN time during the last 45 minutes of the block and will utilize the time to work on  their independent reading work.
Homework: Students should read their independent reading novel for 30 minutes tonight and document their reading on their reading log. Two new Word Work words are also due by the end of the week.


  • The Thursday Poetry Warm-Up will involve a reading and analysis of "If" by Rudyard Kipling, the author of "Rikki-tikki-tavi." Students will note passages from the poem that reflect what they see as useful advice for life.  Students will then develop their thoughts on one or more noted pieces of advice that speak to them.  Volunteers will be permitted time to share their thoughts on that advice.

  • Students will then experience an introduction to the dialectical response assignment that they will write in response to their independent reading.  This will become a regular assignment that will students encourage thoughtful interaction with their own reading and proper documentation of textual references in their own writing.

  • Students will then be given time to write their first dialectical response.  I will be available to give feedback to students who request it as they go through this process for the first time.

  • Students will move into WIN time during the last 45 minutes of the block and will utilize the time to complete their independent reading work.

Homework: Students should read their independent reading novel for 30 minutes tonight and document their reading on their reading log. Two new Word Work words are also due by the end of the week.


  • Students will begin class the Friday Funny Bone activity.  This is an inferential activity where students examine a Gary Larson cartoon, draw conclusions about it, and construct a possible caption that attempts to not only make sense out of the image, but also make it funny.

  • Students will then reflect on the feedback they received last week on their Rikki-tikki-tavi responses, complete a self assessment and reflection before moving into WIN time.

  • Students will move into WIN time during the last 45 minutes of the block and will utilize the time to complete their independent reading work and wrap up their week.

Homework: Students should read their independent reading novel for 30 minutes tonight and document their reading on their reading log. Two new Word Work words are also due by the end of the week.