The Devil's Arithmetic WebQuest: By Greg Ott

The Devil's Arithmetic
By Jane Yolen
Classroom Web Resources

Click here to Download a copy of the WebQuest Worksheet.

The following sites offer some important background for students reading the novel.  Students should use the sites below to complete the WebQuest handout and to explore issues related to the Holocaust.  This site may also be used as supplemental resource for the reading of this novel.  Students with questions relating to issues encountered within the novel may find related answers here.

         Holocaust Summary for Students

View the slides in the slide show above, and then preview one of the videos below for an overview of the Holocaust.

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Student Learning Site
   A wealth of Holocaust background.
         Plan on spending some time at this site.  Extremely informative.

Museum of Tolerance
This is a much deeper site than it first appears.  Explore.

36 Questions about the Holocaust
You probably have questions.  Find the answers here.

Holocaust Studies
Overview and Educational Links

The Teachers Guide to the Holocaust 
Visit the Galleries, the Glossary, and the Web Site.

Additional Novel Resources  
The following sites offer great resources on Hebrew traditions and expressions
                Rabbi Scheinerman's Homepage: Pesach
                Judaism 101:Pesach Passover
                Judaism 101: Common Expressions and Greetings

Novel Resources for Further Exploration

The Auschwitz-Berkenau Memorial and Museum
A haunting journey through the most notorious extermination camp.
        Virtual Tour of Auschwitz-Berkenau - select Flash format

Photos from Majdanek
Concentration Camp on the outskirts of Lublin, Poland

Remembering Catastrophe
Interactive map with links to current images from Steve Growler's
         trips to concentration camps in 2000 and 2001

A Message from Jane Yolen, "An Experimental Act"  
An article written by the author about writing the book.

The German Propaganda Archive
How does a government control the minds of its citizens?
        Check out this huge collection of Nazi propaganda of all types.

The Poisonous Mushroom and other antisemitic propaganda aimed at children
1935 examples of  Nazi antisemitic propaganda used in schools to teach
children blind obedience to the Nazi party and hatred of Jews.

Some of you have you have expressed an interest in the story of Anne Frank.  The following links provide additional background to her family's experience as well as additional persperspective on the Holocaust.


This page and the web quest handout have been designed by me (Greg Ott) for the use of my students at Chatterton Middle School in Warren, MI.   Visitors are welcome to use these materials and/or this site to enhance their own study of the novel.  I am always interested in the successful use of these materials and am likewise interested in suggested improvements.  Please direct questions and/or comments to me at  .  Thank you for stopping by.      Return to Greg Ott's Homepage