Alternative Assignment #3
Propaganda Project

Students may elect to complete the project described below in place of the essay outlined in Assignment #3.

Students should select an issue from the novel and design an example of propaganda that is aimed at influencing a target audience's perspective on that issue.  The propaganda may come in the form of a poster, flyer, pamphlet, fact-sheet or story, poem or song.  

Posters may be full size or as small as a quarter of a sheet of poster board.

All projects will include a type-written explanation that clearly identifies the issue and its context within the story, an explanation of the purpose of the propaganda, and an explanation of the techniques used and the logic behind the use of these techniques.

The rubric below will be used to assess the project and the written explanation.


Excellent 100%

Pretty Good  75%

Below Expectations 50%

Weak 25%



Visual or Written


Thoughtfully and conscientiously constructed or written.

Genuine effort to make example appear authentic

Creatively and affectively addresses a specific issue in novel.

Nicely constructed or written.

Appearance reflects reasonable attention to detail

Addresses a relevant issue in the novel

Construction and content needs improvement.

Appearance reflects a hasty effort

Issue addressed by example is either vague or not clearly defined.

Little attention given to quality of construction.

Appearance reflects little concern for quality

Issue addressed by example reflects little thought




Clearly reflects the purpose of the propaganda, the desired affect on the target audience, the techniques used, the logic behind their use, and the context of the use of this propaganda within the story.

Generally reflects the purpose of the propaganda, the desired affect on the target audience, the techniques used, the logic behind their use, and the context of the use of this propaganda within the story.

Partially reflects the purpose of the propaganda, the desired affect on the target audience, the techniques used, the logic behind their use, and the context of the use of this propaganda within the story.

Barely reflects the purpose of the propaganda, the desired affect on the target audience, the techniques used, the logic behind their use, and the context of the use of this propaganda within the story.

Students who bring their work to me in advance of the due date may get feedback from me on their progress and their score.  Although this is not required it is recommended for those who want to manage their grades.

Students may find the sites below helpful in the design of their own propaganda

The Chairman Smiles
Exhibit displaying Soviet, Chinese, and Cuban Communist Propaganda Posters

U.S.A. WWI Propaganda Posters
This is a "google image" search that demonstrates the
intense domestic propaganda campaign that took place
in this country during WWII.

WWII Nazi Propaganda Posters
exhibit of WWII propaganda posters with translations